USCPFA offers community cultural programs, speakers and films on life in China.
Local chapters and regions publish monthly and quarterly newsletters reporting activities and information.
Assist China scholars and students studying in the U.S. and provides an opportunity for them to understand important American institutions through cultural interaction.
Publishes the journal, US-CHINA REVIEW, four times a year.
Hosts guests from China and exchanges specialized visitors to and from China.
Sponsors regional and national conferences.
Sponsors knowledgeable speakers who tour the U.S. to share their insights on developments in China.
Friend to Friend Program - sharing cultures.
THE CENTER FOR TEACHING ABOUT CHINA offers a resource catalog, "China in the Classroom," providing curriculum materials to assist elementary and secondary teachers. CTAC enhances its outreach work by participating in and exhibiting at the annual meetings of major educational organizations.
Teach in China program seeks qualified persons to teach in China.